Welcome to Grade 2/3/4
Here we are all on the same team.
We take risks.
We learn from our mistakes.
We create.
We dream big.
We always try our best!
We are always busy and immersed in our learning and would love for you to be part of our learning journey.
What we learn:
Reading - students participate in reading every day. We develop comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanding vocabulary strategies. Students meet with teachers regularly for reading conferences where goals are developed and set. Children have opportunities to practise their reading goals every day through guided, independent, and read to someone literacy rotations.
Writing - Students are exposed to a range of writing genres throughout the year including recounts, descriptions, narratives, expositions, procedures and information reports. Goal setting with students allows us to target individual needs within the grade. Students participate fortnightly in Big Writes to celebrate and showcase their ongoing writing achievements.
Spelling - At WPS we use Spelling Mastery to implement a whole school approach to the teaching of spelling. Using a combined approach of phonemic, morphemic and whole-word strategies, Spelling Mastery helps students to understand the relationship between sounds, word parts and spelling patterns. Students are taught in small steps, using sufficient practice, so that they comprehend how spelling works and can become proficient writers.
Oral Language - Oral language is the foundation on which all of our learning is based. We are constantly engaged in purposeful conversation developing our capacity to communicate and reason.
Mathematics - We use real life problems to engage our students. We explicitly teach important mathematical ideas, skills and problem solving strategies that students will draw on in their personal and work lives.
Respectful Relationships - Through targeted teaching students learn to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. We focus on developing the whole child by teaching Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping,
Problem Solving, Stress Management and Help Seeking strategies.
Inquiry - Our Inquiry approach to learning is question driven. Students are the real drivers of their learning and teasing out big ideas and the key wonderings of students is essential. Our Inquiry foci underpins our Literacy and Numeracy and connects to other curriculum content.
If you ever need to contact us, please do not hesitate! We can easily arrange a suitable time to meet with you, and we stress the importance of parents and teachers working together as a team to provide the best learning experiences for your children.
Tim Haase - Classroom Teacher